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  1. Foods you do not like

food not likeI am sure each and every one of you have consumed food you don’t like simply because someone told you it is healthy and will help you lose weight. By forcing yourself to eat such foods, you are creating more reasons why NOT to continue with your health journey. Plus, if the food is not satisfying – it will make you eat bigger quantities or immediately eat a second portion of something that suits your taste buds.
Don’t worry – the variety of food is great and you will always be able to get the necessary nutrition from foods that you like. It is important to eat delicious foods and receive pleasure from our meals at the same time.


  1. Foods that make you feel guilty

guilt food2It probably happened to you that during the holidays you allow yourself to eat a little bit more – you get treats that you normally avoid or are tempted to try everything because you don’t have that tasty food on your table every day. Then you feel heavy and bloated, your energy gets to the lowest point, and you regret indulging.
This creates a guilt inside you as though you broke your commitment to your health. Then you try to compensate for it by starting a restrictive diet or doing extra physical activities.

And this only goes until the next holiday when the cycle repeats…

There is nothing wrong with eating something that tempts you if you limit the quantity. And even if you overdo – I wouldn’t suggest you go into the other extreme with dieting and overwhelming physical activities.

If you exercise more – you’ll most probably be more hungry, and if you eat less at the same time, your body will get the message that it needs to go into starvation mode and this won’t make you healthier. You can of course exercise more if you’re sedentary, but what you need to do is just eat more of the right foods, and less of the wrong foods


  1. Foods that irritate your stomach

Upset StomachHave you ever eaten some food that has caused discomfort in your stomach such as heaviness or a bloated feeling? Such discomfort is most probably caused by foods that contain gluten (if you are gluten intolerant), dairy products (in case of lactose intolerance) and fruit (if you have glucose malabsorption).

Other causes of the stomach irritation could be gall bladder stones, stomach inflammation, or allergy to a certain ingredient in a particular vegetable, fruit, meat or seafood.

Food intolerance is completely individual. The best way to avoid the irritation and discomfort is to discover what food causes it, and try to exclude it from your menu.


  1. Foods that you are addicted to

addictive foodThere are some foods that we just cannot stop eating. Even if we don’t feel hunger – we keep eating them. There are many examples – french fries, chips, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, etc. This happens because those foods are tasty and they don’t trigger the mechanism in our brain that tells us that we had enough.

If there are such foods in your diet that you just can never have enough of – best is if you exclude them from your menu all together. Within just two weeks your body will re-adjust and you won’t feel the need to have them. If that is not an option for you – find healthy alternatives of the junk food you like and indulge on them.


  1. Artificial foods

artificial foodThere is a big group of foods that are not found in nature, but are created with bad chemicals to rake in savings. This category includes high-fructose corn syrup, genetically modified foods, preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, monosodium glutamate, trans fats and many others. You can find these ingredients in packaged foods, processed meats, breads, pastries, yogurt and many others. The big food companies use these ingredients to decrease the cost of food while creating taste that is similar to those of natural foods. Some of the ingredients are highly addictive.

All these “foods” can hardly be categorized as edible and are highly detrimental to your health.

You can avoid artificial ingredients by purchasing real fresh meats, fish, fruits and vegetables – preferably organic. Even if you don’t like cooking, nearly every grocery store has a deli section with freshly cooked food. The salad you can always make yourself and dress with olive oil and vinegar. Bottom line – artificial foods shall be avoided at all costs.


In Conclusion

Maybe you didn’t find exactly the list of foods you should avoid. In fact – I wanted to show you that healthy eating is not about diet fads or trendy health foods. It is about no longer eating foods that send wrong message to your body.

Remember – “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”.
