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Why Purify

and Rebuild

our Personality


A big part of our health is to live correctly. What does it mean? 

There are curtain Principles that govern how we conduct ourselves. There are also Rules of Engagement that determine how we need to behave with and around other people. And finally, there are Natural Laws of Energy Utilization that spell out how we are to utilize the energy of our surroundings. 

If we follow these Principles, Rules of Engagement and Natural Laws of Energy Utilization – we gain more energy and progress. If we break them – we are deprived from energy and go to regression. Deprivation of energy has a tremendous impact on our physical health. If we consistently live in wrong ways – eventually our body will start breaking apart. 

Why Purify

Living the good ways also means to live in harmony.

By following the Principles we live in harmony with ourselves.

By following the Rules of Engagement we live in harmony with our fellow human beings or any beings that we encounter. It will allow us to create balanced and harmonious relationships that are respectful of the self and the other or others.

By following the Natural lows of Energy Utilization – we live in harmony with Mother Earth – with this reality we are part of. And it will thank us by rendering more energy and more opportunities to develop and thrive.

Course Content

In this course we will learn what are these Principles, Rules of Engagement and Natural Laws of Energy Utilization. We will make assessment of our personality and what stands on the way to accept and start following what it means to be a good human being. I will provide the mechanisms that you can use to change and develop your personality so you become the person that you like seeing in the mirror.

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