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Energy Work

Human hands are powerful tools. With them we can control the energies inside our body and around us – we can blast, evaporate, amplify and heal. We have always had these abilities but they were downsized due to misuse and eventually got forgotten. Now we are in a time of awakening of our consciousness and with that we have the opportunity to regain all the powers we once possessed.  Energy Work is the technique that can spark to life these potentials. And with consistent practice we can re-member and attain all these capacities again. 

Self-Healing Energy Work is activating and connecting with subtle energies and subtle layers of our body with the purpose of healing and restoring our physicality and the emotional imbalances. 

Self-Healing Energy Work Benefits

Relieve pains in tissues, muscles, internal organs, remove knots formed from collecting stagnant energies.
Mend trauma experienced in childhood and throughout our life; bring stability and confidence in our own self.
Restore our psyche. Alleviate stress, anxiety, depression. Become calmer, more balanced.
Improve overall health.
Remove tiredness, clear mind. Improve mood.
Improve relationships and ability to navigate in social situations.
Develop our extra sensory perception abilities, such as telepathy, intuition, clairvoyance, clairsentience.
Raise awareness in life and develop our consciousness.
Much like we shower to keep our body clean, we would do Energy Work to clear our energy system from impurities of the daily activities.

Self-Healing Energy Work Course Content

Body as Energy
  • Heart, Emotional and Mental Fields
  • Molecular Connection with the Emotional and Mental Fields
The Power of Hands
  • Hands as Powerful Tools
  • Hands Activation
Heart and Mental Fields
  • Clearing and Activating the Heart Field
  • Activating the Third Eye
  • Working with Head Access Points
Achieving Emotional Balance
  • Energy Work with Oppositions to Reach Harmony
  • Keep the Energetic Balance
Healing Past Trauma
  • Psychic-Energetic Past Trauma Healing
  • How to Affect the Now by Changing the Past

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