Zucchini Hummus

I Love my raw food! Not that I eat only raw – I love cooking and indulging with variety of foods. But I always get excited when my raw food tastes exactly as cooked but I know it is fully alive. So here is a rich nourishing recipe that will satisfy both vegans or carnivores. […]
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load for Grains and Beans

Food GI Value GL in 4 Oz svg Grains Amaranth 75 44 Barley (hulled) 45 40 Buckwheat 50 42 Bulgur 48 12 Corn 65 51 Corn Grits, unenriched, dry 70 65 Cornstarch 70 77 Millet 70 50 Oats 40 41 Rice (brown) 50 60 Rice flowr (brown) 50 58 Rice (white) 70 67 Rye 39 […]
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant full of nutritional benefits. It is a succulent plant and part of the lily family (Liliaceae), the same family that garlic and onions belong to. Sanskrit name for Aloe Vera is Kumari, which means ‘princess’, attesting to its ability to help you maintain youthful beauty and a healthy glow. […]
Sprouted Chickpea Humus

One of the healthiest way to prepare legumes is to sprout them. Then you can add them in your recipes without cooking or the cooking time and temperature are significantly reduced, which preserves majority of vitamins and minerals, which are susceptible to heat. Sprouting also significantly increases nutrients when compared to their dried embryo. In the […]